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Sex on the beach ?

Sex on the beach or Mojitos?

These are the kind of hard decisions we have to make these days 😊

Just for those who don't know, Sex on the beach is a cocktail

We decided to check out Cala de San Pedro, Almeria, Spain - a nudist hippie commune that lives there. It is a special place with turquoise waters and a pirate history. This secluded beach can only be reached by boat or by walking across the hilltops for about 1 1/2 hour.

The place is recognized by the ruins of an ancient fortress overlooking the beach. However if you look closely, the surroundings are dotted with houses integrated into the natural environment (around 40 of them). Some built into the rocks with doors or solar panels giving them away, other huts which have some greenery or veggi gardens in front. This hippy community live as green as it gets.

They occasionally sell handmade objects and even have put up 2 basic bars. There is a sweet smell of weed hanging in the air and music being played. The lifestyle and their buildings are simple. There are some natural spring water collection points. This lifestyle would be more difficult during the colder months.

Initially we planned to stay here for one night only but we liked the place and hearing the bongo drums and live music being played. The bay also protected us from 34 knot gusts and big waves. We ended up staying 4 nights but did do some lovely walks.

Adiós la playa de los Genoveses (Gabo de Gata) Natural Park, Almeria, Spain where we did hikes in every direction - all with amazing views over hills and the coast.

Cala de San Pedro and the hippie commune and our boat below.

One of the many basic hippy houses/huts/tents in Cala de San Predro

and some creative paintings from the community on rocks.

We had some drinks (no weed smoking for us) and listened to live music in this hippy bar. When it started to get busy we decided to swim back to our boat (with a waterproof backpack). Unfortunately we still have not managed to get our Covid vaccines anywhere.

The pirate history is still kept alive with pirate flags, stone carvings etc

Below is the other hippy bar on the beach (more like a pop up bar and is on several levels). The peppermint leaves for the Mojitos are as fresh as it gets (they walk out with scissors to get them from their garden)

We also did some beautiful long hikes to the next villages for lunch and back.

The views are amazing.

The ruins of the ancient fortress with our boat in the bay.

and another view including the turquoise waters. We needed to find a good place to let anchor down to not slip on the grass and end up somewhere we did not want to be.

and a selfie.

Another hike. You can just see our boat in the bay. This was the first hill we climbed up on a pretty much none existing path followed by further up and down the hills (6 hours in very hot weather). At least we had a purpose and walked to a small village for lunch where we caught up with a lovely German family who anchored next to us the previous few nights.


Refreshing water and snorkelling after our hike (Sven's white bum clearly visible below)

With a good balance of action and relaxing plus a lot of fresh air we find ourselves tired at the end of the day. Sven sometimes takes a little granny nap during the day and as you can see from picture below is close to one.

Check out the anchor spot (added a little orange dot) where we spent 1 night on a buoy (it is a national Park after all) . You can only get there by boat OR a 3-4 hour walk.

We had a little private beach all to ourselves once a few of the locals left. We felt like all alone and at the end of the world until we got a surprise visit.

We could not believe when we saw a Guardia Civil boat coming next to us, asking us if they could board. It felt good to know that they are doing their regular checks.

We also had the national park people check in on us to ensure we did not use an anchor and that all is okay.

Todays technology is great but also shows authorities and other people where some of the boats are (with AIS)

These jellyfish photos look like paintings.... we took them with the iphone from the boat! Really beautiful! Sven still dared to jumped naked into the water to check our buoy to ensure it will hold our boat.

A parcel just arrived from Sven's sister Sylvia - look at his happy face.

And a drink at the end of the day.

After so long on anchor it felt strange to be back in a marina. We stayed nearly a week in Torreviejja Marina Salinas, Spain to get some items done, go shopping and enjoying local restaurants.

We take our backpacks and shopping bags then walk to a supermarket. Once nearly done we call a Taxi. In Torreveija we were lucky to be able to have a Taxi drop us right in front of the boat.

Sven made a plank we have used many times already to get on and off the boat. However below was the steepest by far to date.

We were on a buoy for 2 nights in la Playa La mina near Altea (we were the only boat during the night). A nice spot to snorkel and with a good hike up the hills.

In the evening sitting outside alone in our little bay enjoying the view of Altea.

Some other local boats joined us in the morning. We took our waterproof bag and swam to the shore to start our walk.

A cool shelter under the rocks.

Nice views from top of the hill from where we could see our boat.

Below a short video from a previous anchor spot with fish under our boat near the hippy colony in San Pedro (you can hear the music in the background).

We are planning to sail to the Balearic Islands (Ibiza, Formentera, Mallorca, Menorca) early tomorrow morning.

More from us soon.


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Jul 25, 2021

Both looking sooooo happy and healthy! Hugely jealous! Just loving the posts. I thought you had your covid shots before you picked up the boat - that must be really annoying.

Aug 01, 2021
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Hello Anita. always so great to hear from you. Not being vaccinated is not due to us not trying :-( . Australia was not ready, Switzerland was for older age group when I was there etc. Once we were very close to getting it in Spain - standing in the queue etc but there was nothing left at the end of the day as Teenager program had just started that week. We are still hopeful to get it without having to fly back to Germany and Switzerland. Thinking of all of you. Keep in touch


Jul 23, 2021

I love to read you and to look at the beautiful pictures. It helps coping with Bangkok lockdown. I feel like I am traveling too. Thank you for sharing this adventure.

Aug 01, 2021
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Great to hear from you. Did not realise that Bangkok is still in lockdown but glad to hear that you are traveling with us :-). Hopefully we can catch up again in the near future. Keep in touch.


Jul 19, 2021

I expected nothing else than a cocktail with that headline....

Aug 01, 2021
Replying to

Good to hear from you. We understand that a well travelled man like yourself would know what sex on the beach is and did not expect that you have any dirty thoughts :-) :-)


Jacqueline Duvoisin
Jacqueline Duvoisin
Jul 19, 2021

Living the dream xoxoxoxo

Aug 01, 2021
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Thanks for your comments. Safe travels for yourself and will see you soon, :-)


Hi, thanks for dropping by!

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