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  • kwilenacat

The best way to observe a fish is to become a fish

The water is so clear that we are able to see lovely fish from the boat (plus our anchor chain marks). We are also able to see the anchor. Of course much better when diving but we use an iphone for photos so can't show what is below :-). Summer weather has arrived here - it is 26 degrees with a nice breeze.

Photos were taken near boarder of Costa del Sol and Costa Blanca, Spain in the National Park. More on that later.

What have we been doing since our last update? We left Gibraltar after our solar panels have been installed. We are now no longer dependent on shore power. We can run 12 V appliances, the water maker and our 230 V converter we use for running the washing machine. We are happy with how they have turned out. They do not take away the views and sun (as the roof extensions would have done). We also like the look better with the stainless steel frame we added for support and look.

With the stainless steel structure now in place for the solar panel we were also able to install the BBQ and enjoyed our first meat cooked on it.

I am next.... (we mark old fruit and veg we store in hanging nets). The ones with the sad faces are the ones to be eaten next (the older ones).

Sven also took the opportunity to add some integrated light in the saloon and bedroom. Looks great and colour etc can be set.

Our sail (code zero) also received some minor alterations and we have been able to use it many times.

We filled up the boat. 355 Litres! Since we did this in Gibraltar it was really "cheap" - no tax on it. We were told that we will never get it this cheap again.

We arrived in Estepona (see Gibraltar Rock in the back) and anchored in front of below beach. We had a very uncomfortable night here due to the swell. As the next few nights did not look any more favourable we decided to go into the Estepona Marina around the corner.

Our intention was to stay one night only. But it felt so lovely that we stayed 5. We no longer need to race from one place to another. - we are retired after all!

Before entering into the harbour we watched some Youtube videos on how to moor in a Mediterranean style marina (thank you Youtube). Basically you have to put fenders everywhere and just push yourself between some other boats with fenders on both sides, Then you attach ropes on the Stern (back of boat) and get some underwater ropes and walk them to the bow (front of boat) and attach them as well. So whilst we knew the theory, practice is sometimes different. When we lifted out the underwater ropes they were full of shells (our Catamaran is high) which would have scratched the boat and the other underwater rope we pulled out had a metal ring on it which did scratch our boat.

The rope also caught the propeller when it was handed over to us and we needed a diver to get it out. On the positive side the marina gave us a credit as their lines did some damage to our boat and paid for the diver. Overall the staff were very professional and the marina was really great. There were many restaurant with foods around the world. We missed Asian food and did enjoy Chinese and Thai meals. We did not cook on the boat.

The old town of Estepona is lovely. The city was in full bloom and every street had pots in a different colour (below a green and pink pot street)

We also managed to do a 5 hour hike and no surprise we were the only ones doing this at that time of the day. In general the Spanish people do not seem to enjoy these kind of hikes in the heat.

We only met goats on the road.

Once we left peaceful Estepona we continued to an anchor spot in Fuengirola. When we arrived we could only laugh. It was terrible. Party boats with loud music around us and sooooo many jet skies rushing past our boat. We could only hope that nobody insures themselves in front of us. The beach was body to body.

We were thinking of leaving again but after 7 pm it was getting empty and only 2 other boats were anchored there. We had the best anchor night ever!

It was like sleeping on land, really protected and no waves.

As expected there are some high rise buildings along the coast but we are still able to find many lovely smaller villages along the way.

We left at first light the next morning and the morning fog was really pretty.

We were keen to look for another anchor spot and found an idyllic spot in Caladelos Canuelos (National Park). The water was clear and the fish amazing. However after reading the rules (took ages to find them) we realised that you are only able to be stay at that bay with a boat from Sunrise to sunset. So left just before sunset to anchor outside the National Park zone. Sven enjoying the sunset.

After another terrible night on anchor (it looked so calm in the evening) we decided to head into another Marina.

We received many alarms going off over our radio: Mayday and Pan Pan calls. Other people calling for help because of Boat taking on water, Man over board, medical emergency (heart attack), warship sightings etc. You can hear everything going on and our hearts went out to these boats. We were not in proximity and we are not sure how quickly they got help and what the outcome was. Since having moved on we have not had these radio alarms. Fingers crossed.

At the back of of the boat during a sailing trip eating cherries and pit spitting competition (not sure who won below...) .

The backdrop has changed and we enjoy cruising along the Spanish coast in Med Sea.

We arrived in Cabo de Gata (check out the distinctive white patch in the Rock)

We have been on anchor in different protected bays for last 5 nights and will continue to do so. We slept really well (but always have anchor watch app on - just in case). The next big marina taking boats is 50nm away but we want to explore a few more spots anyway.

We went for a long hike starting at Playa de los Genoveses where we left the dinghy on shore.

We walked for 4 1/2 hours up and down hills with great views all around...

...until we reached the sand dune and had a snack break.

Another dinghy trip to go for lunch followed the next day. We found a dinghy mooring spot in front of a restaurant with beautiful views. This was the most expensive meal we had since traveling in Europe.

Sorry my vegan friends...

Drinks on the boat.

Until now we have been living the dream. We are appreciative every single day.

Sven keeping up with the news.

We are doing this blog for family and friends. If you are interested to hear about something specific please do let us know or just leave a comment below. It is always great to get some comments from you guys.

More from us again soon.


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